This is the main browser window. The main window provides three different views of the currently loaded web resource. The views are layed out into three tabs. The first tab titled "Browser" provides the rendered HTML with icons inserted to indicate annotations. The second tab titled "Annotations" shows the list (if any) of annotations created for the current web resource. The third tab titled "Document structure" shows the DOM in a Swing JTree to expose how the dom fixer has parsed the document.
Annotation dialog box
This is the dialog box where annotations are created and edited, The main view presents two tabs. The first tab titled "Edit" is the input boxes that enables the user to edit the annotation. The other tab titled "RDF" shows the RDF model serialized to XML. This view is dynamically updated as the content on the "Edit" tab changes. This way the user can analyze how the changes made to the annotation is reflected in the XML.
Shared bookmarks window
This screenshot shows the dialog box for using and editing annotea shared bookmarks. The bookmarks are showed in a tree structure and the user updates the bookmark structure by selecting the entries in the tree and use the editing buttons on the toolbar. The current implementation supports loading bookmark files from any URL, but as no server exists only saving to local disk is supported.